Company Financials
Net Asset Value (NAV)
We are a privately held company, any and all investors are considered members and stakeholders of all investments made by the company.
Profits and/or losses are distributed equally among all investors, relative to their ownership percentage of the company, in the form of cash distributions.
Units may not be sold to any non-members of the LLC unless the managing director of the company approves bringing on any new members.
Please refer to the Operating Agreement for updated information regarding units and ownership structure.
Net Asset Value (NAV) : Represents the current value of a Class B unit, determined by our current assets under management on a per unit value.
Shown above is the quarterly performance of the LLC (Shown by Class B Unit performance) compared to the S&P 500 and a popular "60/40" portfolio, commonly referred to as balanced fund which is composed of 60% stocks and 40% bonds (SPY & BND for comparison purposes). This value is automatically calculated and refreshed daily.
Distribution History
Q3 2023 : $0.39 Per Unit
Q4 2023 : $0.51 Per Unit
Q1 2024: $0.38 Per Unit
EPS History
2023: $0.90395*
Note: As of January 2024, the members of the LLC collectively decided to adjust our investment strategy from short term, high yielding assets, to longer duration quality investments with potential for higher capital appreciation and dividend growth if applicable.
2023 EPS: Adjusted for stock split and only includes Q3 and Q4 profits, our company was not in operation prior to Q3.